Country information Germany
Health Insurance for Foreign Interns in Germany

Many educational programs, or the examination regulations of universities (or, schools of applied sciences, as the case may be) require their students to complete internships. Indeed, even students from abroad can complete their internship (within their field of study) in Germany. One condition is that the internship is closely related to the field of study.
The internship can last up to 12 months, and, in addition to providing theoretical content, also provides practical occupational knowledge and skills. But other scenarios exist. Students can choose to voluntarily complete an internship even though an internship is not prescribed by the educational program or in the examination regulations. Non-students can complete an internship at a company or other establishment as a way to get to know the company and the work.
Eligible group
- Students between 18-35 years of age, as well as university students who are completing an internship that is in direct relation to a course of study.
- Foreign exchange students who are enrolled in a college or university. Non-students who wish to complete an internship on a voluntary basis.
Legal basics about health insurance for interns in Germany
For insurance law assessment purposes, when the internship takes place is important because different rules apply for an internship that occurs either before or after study has been carried out than for an internship that occurs during the time of study. For an internship that occurs during the time of study, an exemption from having health, long-term care, retirement and unemployment insurance coverage exists. The duration of the internship, the number of hours worked per week, and the amount of remuneration paid, if any, are irrelevant. The reason for this is that the internship is not an employment relationship in the sense of social security law, but rather a shift from the education obtained from the university to the education obtained from the company.
These rules also apply to students from foreign universities who complete such an internship in Germany.
Internships that occur either before or after study has been carried out, that are not prescribed by the educational program or in the examination regulations are exempt from compulsory insurance if the intern is working without getting paid.
In short, students enrolled in study abroad are exempt from the compulsory health insurance coverage of the statutory health insurance system. (§ 6 Abs. 1 Nr. 3 SGB V, § 20 Abs. 1 SGB XI, § 27 Abs. 4 SGB III.)
Therefore, foreign interns in Germany must take out private health insurance. In order to avoid experiencing any difficulties, it is recommended that health insurance is secured before the entry into the country.
Insurance advice
Before the start of the internship (or, as the case may be, prior to departure), the intern should, either from their homeland or immediately after arriving in Germany, inform themselves about what type of insurance they need in order to apply for the coverage that meets the requirements of the destination country.
Travel insurance is emergency insurance. It will normally cover costs for severe occurrences of ailments and illnesses, operations, necessary medicines and remedies, as well as pain-killing (analgesic) dental treatment. What is usually not insured is the treatment of pre-existing conditions and checkups.
We recommend the plans made especially for vocational training and continuing education participants offered by our partner Care Concept AG. This specialist for student health insurance offers optimal insurance coverage starting at € 28 per month.
If you wish, you can get additional liability and accident insurance from Care Concept AG as well – the obtainment of which is also a good idea.
Personal liability insurance offers protection from bodily injury, property damage, and deportation costs, while accident insurance protects against risks such as disability and death.
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